
Technology To Manage Predictive Maintenance

Kathy | July 1, 2007


Jane Alexander, Editor-In-Chief

This online software and its database capabilities can make PdM easier.

0707_solspot_img1When Matrix Risk Consultants wanted to offer clients infrared inspections several years ago, the company had a couple of options. It could either purchase equipment and develop its own program management and analytic tools for clients or find a partner with the best technology to complement its loss prevention services.

Matrix wanted to do more than just offer infrared. It wanted to change the way results were delivered. The idea was to develop advanced software with database capabilities to make it possible to capture, manage and analyze data from hundreds or thousands of inspections across facilities, regions and countries.

0707_solspot_quote1According to Larry Jones, president of Matrix, predictive maintenance (PdM) providers have typically distributed inspection reports the same way for the past 25 years, by sending send a hard-copy or CD-Rom report. Some might even post these reports online. “The reports show problem areas, but most are static. There are no interactive capabilities to drill down into more detailed data, and see what was done across multiple locations or track the status of each issue.”

0707_solspot_quote2Matrix found its solution with Predictive Service (PSC), a global provider of PdM programs and Web-based software for interactive online analysis and reporting. Matrix was especially interested the company’s ViewPoint® offering, a patented reporting software.

Jones notes that ViewPoint’s database capabilities are what really set it apart. “We wanted to implement advanced technology,” he says. “PSC was so far along, though, that it didn’t make sense to try to catch up. So we formed a strategic alliance.” The software captures field data, displaying the results online for easy access from any location. Search, sort and aggregating features allow easy monitoring of PdM programs. Users can also realize and customize their ROI data to their specific parameters and locations.

0707_solspot_img2Additional features provide for baseline documentation of all surveyed equipment, problem acknowledgement and verification, tracking of open, scheduled and completed issues, recording of actual repair actions, and email alerts. While companies managing PdM programs for one site or thousands have greatly benefited from the software, PSC is rolling out a new version in August with new features and functionality to make it an even more valuable PdM resource.

The new ViewPoint software integrates all programs and technologies on one platform (infrared, vibration and oil analysis and ultrasound). Users access one website for a comprehensive view of all PdM activities and results across all locations and operating units, with the ability to drill down all the way to individual pieces of equipment.

Predictive Service (PSC)
Cleveland, OH




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