Production Process Offers New Entry-Level CMMS with Run-Hour & Cycle-Count Metering Capabilities
Jane Alexander | July 21, 2014
Production Process has launched ProductionACE/CMMS, a new entry-level computerized maintenance management system that meters run hours and cycle counts.
The company says that although preventive maintenance based on equipment run hours and cycle counts can be more effective than calendar scheduling, equipment meters often don’t exist. When they do, manually entering meter readings into a CMMS can be a labor-intensive, error-prone process. ProductionACE/CMMS changes those dynamics by providing automated meter reading via intelligent Machine Data Transducers (MDT-02M) that can be installed easily on all production machines and auxiliary equipment in a plant without the need for a separate power source to the equipment.
According to the manufacturer, this new CMMS identifies when maintenance is “near due” and “due” based on user-set limits for run hours and cycle count for the production machine and a removable, job or product-related component, such as a mold, die, tool or printing plate. For auxiliary equipment, the system tracks run time, duty cycle and number of stop/start cycles. Capable of functioning as a basic, stand-alone CMMS, the system is designed primarily to enhance third-party, full-featured CMMS systems by providing automated meter reading where no meters are installed, or eliminate manual meter reading and data entry if meters are present.
This CMMS also records production counts, rejects, downtime, production rate and cycle time, making it possible to analyze Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), both historically and in real time.
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