
Caster Concepts Delivers Ergonomic Solutions

Melissa Larson | September 24, 2015

Caster Concepts Inc. has unveiled the Swivel on Swivel (SoS) Caster, which significantly reduces operator fatigue through the unique design that features two kingpinless, maintenance-free swivel section rigs. The Swivel on Swivel Caster reduces the amount of force needed to turn and maneuver a cart, and to start rolling a cart when all the wheels are not parallel.

Benefits include:

• Elimination of side shifting, making maneuvering much easier, reducing exertion and stress on operators.
• The swivel on swivel design reduces the turn radius, requiring less space and force exerted needed to maneuver.
• Eliminates wheel flutters on powered applications, such as AGVs and Tuggers.



Melissa Larson

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