Display Real-Time KPI Data
EP Editorial Staff | March 12, 2020
Use easily managed S/4HANA queries to generate KPI dashboards.
By Kristina Gordon, Illumiti
In the past, pulling data for KPIs (key performance indicators) and metrics in SAP could present some challenges. In SAP S/4HANA, queries exist that, in real time, can display best-practice KPIs. A dashboard can easily be built to display the results.
The maintenance metrics are a combination of queries that can be built by a user or consultant and rolled out to all users, along with some standard Fiori tiles. There are four standard maintenance queries:
• Maintenance Object Breakdown (Mean Time between Failure)
• Damage Analysis (Bad Actors)
• Maintenance Order Analysis Query
• Location and Notification Analysis
• Actual Cost (planned work vs. unplanned work).
There are also some standard out-of-the box materials-management tiles that can be used primarily for MRO materials, i.e., tracking KPIs for maintenance-material cost:
• Overview Inventory Management
• Monitor Material Coverage
Below is an example of the maintenance object breakdown query:
When building a Query, the right-hand side provides dimensions to define your KPI. Just like using a pivot table, simply click and drag the dimensions to the columns and rows to create your KPI tile.
There are buttons on the tool bar that allow you to change your KPI to just a chart or graph view, or a combination of chart or graph with detailed data below the picture. You can export your KPI, email it to another person from the KPI screen, or click the button on the end (highlighted with a red circle) to enlarge the screen and make the report builder on the side stay hidden.
This KPI feature allows companies to now spend 10% of their time gathering data and 90% analyzing it, thus the ability to make critical decisions that will increase plant reliability. EP
Kristina Gordon is SAP Principal Consultant at Illumiti, Thornhill, Ontario (illumiti.com). If you have SAP questions, send them to editors@efficientplantmag.com and we’ll forward them to Kristina.
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