Personnel Process Safety

SPONSORED: Enhancing Process Safety

EP Editorial Staff | March 18, 2024

The Case for Software Adoption

This article is brought to you by Schneider Electric. Click here to learn more.

Organizations need to be able to rapidly recalibrate their operations and output levels to stay competitive. Because of these and other factors, automation solutions of tomorrow will need to be significantly more flexible than they typically are today. 

Complicated process requirements and new generations of automation equipment challenge functional safety systems on the plant floor. Globalization and ever-evolving cyber threats present new problems at the operations level. A volatile business climate, tightening regulations, and the ever-present need to safeguard employees, the community, and the environment demand constant monitoring and management of risk. These challenging conditions require a broader approach to keeping your operation safe and your business sound.

Leveraging smart automation technology that analyzes and prioritizes mission-critical data can give stakeholders the tools to avoid distractions, focus on priority issues, and run plants better. Choosing the right automation enhancement tools and services can also help decision-makers manage change, solve persistent challenges, and boost the productivity of key job roles in process-intensive plants.

In a landmark study by the Center for Chemical Process Safety, researchers established that companies that practice good process safety report significant direct cost benefits. Industrial safety control regimes that properly balance risks and profit potential produce results like these: 5% increase in productivity, 3% reduction in production cost, 5% reduction in maintenance cost, 20% reduction in insurance cost and 1% reduction in capital budget.

Software adoption plays a pivotal role in bolstering operational safety and efficiency. By leveraging such technology, hazardous industries can steer clear of the substantial costs and repercussions associated with major safety incidents, while also curbing the total cost of ownership through streamlined engineering and targeted maintenance efforts. 

Furthermore, the implementation of informed operational practices not only reduces training expenses but also enhances safety efficiency, empowering personnel to operate with a focus on maximum profitability within a safety-centric culture. 

This also facilitates the enforcement of robust policies and best practices. Additionally, a strategic focus on life cycle management enables proactive risk profiling and strategic risk management, fostering continuous optimization and adaptability to dynamic market conditions.

Human error is acknowledged as a source of many safety breaches, but until quite recently, it was viewed as beyond the scope of automation. Today, Triconex process safety encompasses a broad array of solutions that can improve performance and enforce standard procedures, nurturing the culture necessary for safe operations.

In conclusion, the adoption of advanced software for safety instrumented systems represents a significant opportunity for industries to elevate their safety, efficiency, and overall performance. By embracing smart automation technology, organizations can proactively manage risks, optimize processes, and cultivate a safety-centric culture. 

Applying the ease of use and proven reliability of Triconex software, technology and expertise, managers may rest assured that a holistic approach to process safety can benefit their business in the following ways, among many others.  Discover how Triconex process safety solutions can keep your plant safe and your business sound via trusted technology, safe operation, and superior life cycle management.

This article was brought to you by Schneider Electric. Click here to learn more.


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