Understand Vertical Motor Bearings
Vertical motors differ from horizontal units in various ways, including their oil-leak risks.
Smarten Up About Rotor Analysis
Measure Motor Temperatures Correctly
Utility Finds Revenue Stream with Operations and Maintenance...
Each month we talk with maintenance and technology professionals about their views and pressing problems on the factory floor.
The Future of Maintenance
By Dr. Klaus M. Blache, Univ. of Tennessee Reliability and Maintainability Center (RMC)
Note These Causes of Motor Failure
Brushing up on important root causes now can prevent headaches later.
Make the Most Of IR Inspections
When it comes to the non-invasive technologies that make up a plant’s predictive-maintenance (PdM)...
Highly Charged Reliability
Bill Myers spearheads an Electrical Maintenance Program that helps AstraZeneca’s West Chester, OH...
Drowning In Data? Look To The ‘Stars’
Identifying and acting on the right data can transform reliability and maintenance programs from...
Realize Payback From Motor Insulation Tests
Insulation problems are to blame for a high percentage of motor failures and associated unplanned...
Understand Motor/System Baselines
Add Electrical Motor Testing to Your PdM Toolkit
This predictive approach offers reliability benefits that time-based maintenance can’t. Numerous...
Infrared Inspections Of Installed Motors
By Jim Seffrin, Infraspection Institute Despite the important role they play in facilities...